Monday, November 22, 2010


Just a couple odds and ends before the Balls and Pie family thanksgiving retreat:

First, thanks to everybody for checking us out and supporting us so far. More to come on our excellent friends.

Second, keep an eye out on the recipes pages, where copies/links of all the great (and not so great) things we make and like and come with will be cataloged. We'll get it cleaned up and cross referenced soon.

And lastly, I wanted to point you at a couple excellent places in particular:

Amanda via tumblr - Not only is Amanda awesome, and encourages all of my awesome pop culture references, but she had produced our sweet balls and pie logo in the time it had taken to establish the blog and then produce some content. Go check her out.

Adriana via Posterous - food blog-cum-travelogue from one of my dearest friends in food. While I won't be able to do justice to the gracious and thoughtful (and most likely too kind) introduction she's provided us, I will give it the greatest praise I can: It makes me hungry. From her recent travels and meals abroad, to her gastronomical tributes to the greatest football team in the land, Adriana has some of the best looking and sounding discussion of food out there. Plus, I've already seen a sneak preview of the po-boys using the cornmeal dusting from our fish tacos, and they made me want to go to Franky and Johnny's for lunch.

Off to Hamilton, MT!

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